Academics-How we teach
Tutor Time change lives, we spark the creativity and imaginations of all our students as they explore the world. We nourish the growth of our students as they develop their strength and improve their weaknesses. We eliminate the barriers that have stifled their growth and push them past their limits to reach success.
We teach differently, because our students learn differently. Providing differentiated instruction, evidence-based teaching strategies, and a supportive environment, Tutor Time celebrates the variety of learning styles of our neurodiverse students. Supported by our highly-trained staff-all trained in the Tutor Time methodologies that bridge the latest neuroscientific findings to classroom practice-our school turns struggles into triumph and challenges into opportunity.
Inclusive, multisensory Pedagogy
Our inclusive coaching approach requires that we proactively reimagine and adapt our classrooms, curriculum and instruction to meet a wide range of strengths and abilities rather than teach the traditional way. Our learning environment and experiences are intentionally designed to reduce barriers so that every student can engage in a rigorous and meaningful learning experience and have an equal opportunity to succeed. Our research based teaching approach for challenging students and to ensure a conceptual learning process, we have adopted the Universal Design for Learning framework.
Structured Phonics and Literacy Program
Drawing from the research that phonics is necessary for the development of reading, spelling and comprehension skills and is highly effective for students with dyslexia.
Tutor Time intervention phonics and literacy program is guided by a variety of learning approaches. Through varies programs our reading targets skills in phonology, sound-symbol association, syllables, morphology, syntax and semantics. Through explicit instruction our teachers take students through the steps of reading in way that is specific and precise. Skills are introduced or reintroduced at an appropriate pace in a systematic order, from simple to complex. Each skill is based on a previously taught skill or concept, and emphasis is placed on continued practice, review, repetition and eventually mastery.
Social and Emotional Learning
Academic achievement is deeply connected to one's well-being. Tutor Time has linked (SEL) into our curriculum and culture. Our goal is that every student understand and can manage their emotions, set and achieve goals, feel empathy, develop healthy relationships and make responsive decisions.
To carry out this plan, our staff participate in professional development training through CASEL. We kickstart the school year by building on the school community the importance of fostering a supportive learning environment. Each students harnesses their agreement on our outlined expectations on how everyone should be treated. Throughout the day students are encouraged to monitor their emotions, conflicts are managed by teachers and coaches. Self-regulation techniques and strategies are developed as key goals within the student's IEP.
Executive Function Strategies
Today's students are being diagnosed with ADHD at a higher rate than ever. Like all learning difficulties executive function remains a symptom that is often overlooked, we see executive functioning symptoms in our youngest students, left untreated it can drastically affect their future. At Tutor Time Academy we have established well-planned routines and practices to help our learners stay focus, organized and on time.
In all of our learning environments we display the daily agenda, the lesson content and the subject's learning objective clearly. Specific lessons are taught on material management. Lesson planners and calendars are encouraged to track homework and projects, binders are given by each student to help keep homework and lessons organized. Students are assigned lockers to help keep books and notebooks in a safe place. Students are explicitly taught procedures and routines by our educational coaches to monitor and regulate disruptive behaviors. Breaks are provided to maintain attention and completion of lesson goals.