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Level One (5-7) year old

Tutor Time Academy provides numerous experiences for our youngest learners. As each student's struggles are identified and their curiosity and creativity is unleashed, we open up a world of opportunity that they won't  receive in any other program.

What research tell us about early intervention is quite clear. The sooner a child receives intervention for learning difficulties the sooner they will embark on a lifetime of self-discovery. 

At Tutor Time our built-in Response to Intervention model fosters a love for learning and nurtures the whole child. The journey starts by placing the student within the age and skill level where personalized intervention instruction is tailored to their personal learning difficulties.

Core Subjects

Phonics, Language Arts, Math, Physical Education and Therapy Class are the key academic experiences in Level One. Students are placed in their color tier intervention levels: Red, Yellow and Green within the class according to their Reading and Math assessment percentile scores. Science,  Social Studies and Physical Education are offered on a rotating schedule throughout the school year. Each student IEP is carefully planned and outlined with specific accommodations and learning goals. We utilize  lessons and concepts closely related to Skill Based Standards.


Explicit intervention  and early intervention are the foundations to becoming a skilled reader. This is especially true for students with learning disabilities like dyslexia. In our Level One phonics classes, our phonics intervention curriculum breaks down phonic awareness into manageable steps-identifying letter sounds, blending, recognizing sight words, learning to decode and encode. Students receive daily targeted intervention in small groups. A multisensory approach keeps students engaged and enhances the learning experience.

English Language Arts

The Language Arts program offers a dual focus on foundational reading skills. Students engage  in reading exercises to diverse genre and themes. Drawing inference, establishing the main idea, analyzing characters from profound text are the basis of the reading objectives. Through these pre-reading, during-reading and post-reading activities, students  improve their reading comprehension and build mastery in reading.


To improve writing skills this curriculum includes an evidence-based writing curriculum that research shows supports students with language-based learning difficulties. The teaching and learning tools used in language arts classroom support students as they learn to generate, structure, edit, and express their ideas.


Our math curriculum encourages students to build critical thinking skills, problem-solving, logic and reasoning. Our math curriculum features a research-based approach that is designed for students with learning difficulties. Teachers incorporate multisensory techniques that develops number sense and numeracy skills. Through the use of manipulatives, games and learning aids, students improve their understanding of operations of addition, subtraction, place value and telling time and more.

Social Studies

Our project -based social studies curriculum for K-2 focuses  on actively  engaging students in investigation and responding to complex real-world questions and problems related to ancient civilization, government, community development, economics and geography. Through hands-on projects and engaging activities students are prompted to investigate, research and inquire about geographic and historical links between the world today and the world long ago.


Our project-based science curriculum for Level One focuses on actively engaging students in scientific concepts by engaging in hands-on, inquiry-based projects that mimic real world scientific investigation, allowing them to explore, research, analyze data, and present their findings through presentations, reports, models and exhibits. Our science curriculum allows students with learning difficulties to get a deeper understanding and a more profound grasp of scientific concepts by building essential skills in evaluation and investigating.

Physical Education

Our Level One Physical Education takes place on a rotating schedule with Enrichment Classes. Students learn to appreciate the importance of physical activity for the body and mind. Our physical education curriculum include units in karate, yoga, sports, and health education. Students improve skills like running, jumping, throwing, catching, and balancing. The curriculum includes cardiovascular endurance activities that builds students flexibility and body composition. Social skill development is included in the each unit fostering cooperation, teamwork, sportsmanship and positive social interactions through games and activities.

Enrichment Subjects

One period per day, Level One students are engaged in enrichment studies. These additional classes: STEM, Creative Arts, and Culinary Arts gives students a sense of responsibility and self-expression that promotes self-advocacy and self-esteem.


Our STEAM curriculum, or Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics is a hands-on learning approach that implements the four disciplines to help students with learning difficulties develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication  skills. The units include a range of subjects including life science, physical science, engineering, mathematics, and computer science. Our STEAM curriculum helps students develop key skills in critical thinking, creative thinking, media and technology literacy and social skills.

Creative Arts

Our Level One Creative Arts enrichment class uses art-making to reinforce creative skills that stimulate the minds of our students particular learning styles. Projects are carefully structured to include explicit instruction and demonstration of techniques while applying open-ended questioning so that students can express their thoughts in a verbal as well as in an artistic way. Students come to know renowned, local and international artists.

Culinary Arts

Our Level One Culinary Arts classes introduces students to cooking, plating, presentation and service of food. Our culinary topics include food safety, proper knife skills, recipe reading, equipment use, microwave cooking, cooking with milk, eggs and cheese and goes into an additional  9 weeks of baking techniques.  Students explore entrees, breads, pastries and more. 


Level One families receive quarterly report cards and progress reports that feature an extensive narrative. Instead of letter grades the report card and progress report summarizes what was mastered or not mastered that quarter in various subject areas. The report card and progress report addresses the area of improvement, accommodation modifications as well as goals that were or were not  accomplished for each student based on their specific area of need.


Assessments at Tutor Time Academy takes many forms. Reading coaches provide summative assessment as a way of evaluating a student's learning at the middle or end of a unit. Students are administered formative assessment  three times within the school year, beginning , middle and end, this type of assessment provides teachers and coaches with feedback on how they can improve their teaching  to improve the students learning.


In Level One, homework is assigned differently depending on the student and what they have accomplished in the classroom. We recognize that all our students learn differently and struggle with mild or severe learning sympthoms, so to maintain a healthy school and home balance it is important that each student's mental health is taken into consideration. We also want our students to enjoy extracurricular activities after school. With that being said, Level One homework  in reading is assigned four days a week and Math homework is assigned on Tuesday and Thursday's.

Parent-Teacher- Communication

Building a strong teacher, school and family bond is a top priority at Tutor Time Academy. To build this bond  we encourage parents to be a part of their child's learning experience. To make this possible we have developed school wide parent teacher communication programs. 

To meet your child's homeroom teacher we have established our open house event. This event allows parents to meet their child's teacher, tour the classroom, learn about the curriculum and ask questions.

To discuss your child's progress we have established our two times a year parent-teacher conferences. The first conference held in October, is to inform parents about their child's assessment scores and PLEP accommodations, this conference is held in the homeroom teachers classroom and may include the educational coach, the Head of Student, the PLEP TEAM coordinator and the general special education teacher.

In December, the second parent teacher conference will be held for parents of students who are not meeting their PLEP or classroom goals. This conference will be to discuss changes to your child's PLEP accommodation, evaluation for a specialized PLEP plan or evaluation into our Bridge or  SAIL program.

Call: 225.726.8818


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